West Virginia Wild and Wonderful
Celtic Festival and Highland Games
Kilted 5K Race Registration
Please fill out and return the registration form with any payment due or use the Pay link to pay now

Kilted 5K Run/Walk
2025 Registration/Information
Race Day: June 21st, 2025
Sign in: 7:30 AM
Race to start at 9:00 AM
Start Location: Beverly Firehouse 429 Main St, Beverly, WV 26253
Discounts for Participants in Kilts, Celtic, Medieval, Viking, or other Traditional Attire
Celtic Fest Tee-Shirt guaranteed for all runners registered by June 1
All participants receive free admission to the Celtic Festival and Highland Games
Proceeds help finance our annual Celtic Festival and Highland Games
Registration Fees: Advanced registration by June 1st with agreement to run in costume $25
Advanced registration fee by June 1st without costume $30
Race day registration in costume $30 and without costume $35
Water: Water will be provided throughout the race
Awards: Prizes for the top three overall male and female finishers and first and second in each age division
Prizes for top 3 male and female costumes as determined by our judges
Awards will begin around 10:30 at the festival dance stage
Age Divisions: 12 and under, 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
For more information contact: David Ferguson 681-495-7242
Mail Registration and Waiver Forms to: WVWW Celtic Fest C/O David Ferguson PO Box 51, Bruceton Mills, WV 26525
Payment Methods: We have several methods of receiving payments
Please let us know if you prefer a method other than check or credit card
Please make Checks payable to: WVWW Celtic Fest and Highland Games
If paying by check please provide the check number